Escalating Behaviours Unwrapped

This class explores escalation and de-escalation, including: the “thinking brain” vs. the “survival brain”; the escalation cycle; de-escalation strategies.

Instructors Dr. Rick Delaney
Course Duration 2 Hours
Course Delivery Self-Directed, Online
Course Provider Foster Parent College
Course Type Self-Directed, Online

Many children in care have experienced trauma, which can impact how they react to circumstances and events that remind them of the abuse and cause them to escalate. There are many techniques caregivers can use to help children de-escalate. This course explores escalation, its causes, and strategies for de-escalation. To get the most out of this course, it is strongly recommended that trainees first take Trauma-Informed Parenting.

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • describe escalation and de-escalation
  • describe the “thinking brain” and the “survival brain”
  • understand how trauma impacts children’s brains
  • identify phases of escalation
  • know how to have restorative conversations
  • know how to develop a plan to de-escalate behavior and how to use crisis intervention and management

Course Details

Course Type: Self-Directed, Online
Duration: 2 Hours
P.R.I.D.E. Levels of Pay:
Recertification Required: No
Provided by: Foster Parent College
Training Type: Professional Development

Upcoming Events: Escalating Behaviours Unwrapped

No upcoming course events at this time.

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