Child Safety & Supervision

This course presents strategies for safe and appropriate supervision including: pre-placement interviewing; safety plan development; in-home observations and adjustments; being a childcare team member

Instructors Michael Quinn, MA,
Course Duration 2 Hours
Course Delivery Self-Directed, Online
Course Provider Foster Parent College
Course Type Self-Directed, Online

Michael Quinn, MA, social worker and foster family agency supervisor in residential foster care and group home settings, discusses the safety challenges faced by foster parents. Also covered are the importance of collecting pre-placement information, making in-home observations of child behavior, developing in- and out-of-home safety plans, reporting unusual incidences, and working as a childcare team member. Supplemental handouts are included.

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • collect important pre-placement background information about a child's special needs
  • adjust a home's safety features to best meet a child's needs
  • conduct in-home observations of a foster child
  • develop a safety plan for in- and out-of-home situations
  • report unusual events or incidences to the proper authorities

Course Details

Course Type: Self-Directed, Online
Duration: 2 Hours
P.R.I.D.E. Levels of Pay: Optional
Recertification Required:
Provided by: Foster Parent College
Training Type: Professional Development

Upcoming Events: Child Safety & Supervision

No upcoming course events at this time.

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