Taking Things - Stealing
This class explores common reasons for taking things including: experimentation, intellectual disability, trauma history, social or psychiatric problems
Instructors | Expert - Dr. Richard Delaney, author, lecturer, and practicing psychologist. |
Course Duration | 2 credit hours |
Course Delivery | Self-Directed, Online |
Course Provider | Foster Parent College |
Course Type | Self-Directed, Online |
Even though taking things is common among children in care, it can still be upsetting for parents. However, if parents focus on determining the source of the behavior, they can help prevent the children from developing a serious problem. This course explores several reasons for taking things, including experimentation, intellectual disability, trauma history, and social or psychiatric problems, and how to teach acceptable behaviors to children who take things.
At the end of this course, you will be able to:
- list four common reasons for taking things
- understand how a child expresses his or her needs through taking things
- understand how to help encourage a child who takes things verbalize his or her feelings and needs
- list steps for teaching appropriate replacement behaviors to a child who takes things
- know when to seek professional help for a child who takes things
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