Saskatchewan Indigenous Cultural Component
The Saskatchewan Indigenous Cultural Component is intended for future foster and adoptive families to highlight the value and importance of culturally safe homes for Indigenous children and youth. It provides an introduction to the history, traditions and richness of Indigenous people and their diverse culture. The Saskatchewan Indigenous Cultural Component was created in Saskatchewan with collaboration, consultation and approval of Elder representatives from all of the First Nations Communities in Saskatchewan.

Course Duration | 3 hours |
Course Delivery | Instructor-Led, Video Conference |
Course Provider | Ministry of Social Services |
Course Type | Instructor-Led, Video Conference |
The Ministry of Social Services has identified cultural awareness as one of the pre-service competencies for foster and adoptive parents. Therefore, the Saskatchewan Indigenous Cultural Component is mandatory training as part of the approval process.
Training Topics
This training is divided into five key topics:
- Indigenous Worldview brings to life pre-contact lifestyle as seen through the eyes of a child and an Elder.
- European Contact and the Residential School System provides some insight and understanding as to the reason(s) some Indigenous families suffer from intergenerational trauma and the importance of making cultural connections for Indigenous children and youth in potential caregivers’ homes.
- The Value of Cultural Identity explores the importance of caregivers helping and assisting Indigenous children and youth in building positive cultural identity.
- Nations of Saskatchewan looks at the diversity of the Indigenous people in the province as well as Elder interviews from each of these nations.
- Participants Complete an Action Plan this helps potential caregivers detail how they can commit to helping an Indigenous child or youth build their cultural identity.
Registration will be coordinated while you are working through the Mutual Family Assessment. Refresher opportunities can discussed with your Child and Caregiver Support Worker.
Course Details
Upcoming Events: Saskatchewan Indigenous Cultural Component
No upcoming course events at this time.
Related Courses
Caring for Aboriginal Children
The Caring for Aboriginal Children Cultural Curriculum is intended to highlight the value and importance of culturally safe homes for Aboriginal children and youth. This training is two– 3 hour digital modules geared toward foster families and highly recommended for adoptive families. This training is user friendly and the facilitators are built in to the entire curriculum. This module is based on the Saskatchewan Cultural Component and was created and produced in Saskatchewan.
Saskatchewan Indigenous Cultural Component
The Saskatchewan Indigenous Cultural Component is intended for future foster and adoptive families to highlight the value and importance of culturally safe homes for Indigenous children and youth. It provides an introduction to the history, traditions and richness of Indigenous people and their diverse culture. The Saskatchewan Indigenous Cultural Component was created in Saskatchewan with collaboration, consultation and approval of Elder representatives from all of the First Nations Communities in Saskatchewan.