Positive Parenting 1

This course explores three types of positive parenting techniques: encouragement, cooperation, tracking behavior

Course Duration 2 credit hours
Course Delivery Self-Directed, Online
Course Provider Foster Parent College
Course Type Self-Directed, Online

In this class, host Sarada Thomas introduces three positive parenting techniques: Cooperation, or making effective requests; Tracking problem behaviors; and Encouragement, or rewarding desirable behaviors. The class includes ideas for dealing with children who resist positive parenting techniques.

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • describe the key components of effective requests
  • know why and how to track problem behaviors
  • explain how to encourage good behaviors
  • understand when it is time to alter your strategy

Course Details

Course Type: Self-Directed, Online
Duration: 2 credit hours
P.R.I.D.E. Levels of Pay:
Recertification Required: No
Provided by: Foster Parent College
Training Type: Professional Development

Resource Files

Upcoming Events: Positive Parenting 1

No upcoming course events at this time.

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