Youth Speak Out
12:00am , Saturday March 3 , Rusty Macdonald Branch Library, 225 Primrose Dr., Saskatoon SK
Join us for a free team building session to develop leadership and storytelling skills to tell your story about Foster Care, Adoption, or Aging Out.

Youth Speak Out is an exciting opportunity for youth (between the ages of 14-26) to be involved in a conversation on the importance of permanency for children/youth in care and having their voices be heard in seeking systemic changes in the child welfare system.
Permanency is a protective factor for children and youth. The attachment, stability and safety that flow from a family and the social support of at least one positive adult relationship reduce the likelihood of social and economic exclusion for our most vulnerable population.
Aging out is a significant risk factor for dropping out of school, homelessness, unemployment, poverty, reliance on social assistance, contact with the criminal justice system, mental illness, and poor health outcomes.
Youth Speak Out will provide youth with training necessary to become supportive members of a growing national voice that aims to create urgency around permanency. It will also provide youth with avenues to engage in advocating for systemic changes that will ultimately benefit children and youth.